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Темы по английскому за 9 класс
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому за 9 класс, Билеты ... or chemist shop will situated near your home in the city but if you live in countryside it will hard to find any medicine help or hospital fare from
... important to know traditions and customs of different people because It will help you to know more about the history and life of different nations and ...

Темы по английскому за 10 класс
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому за 10 класс, Билеты Some of them are very kind-hearted and friendly some are not so kind but they are devoted friends and always help me and their friends, but they can ...
The rules for passengers who are going abroad are similar in most countries but sometimes there might be a slight difference in formalities.

Traditions and holidays of Great Britain
Иностранные языки, Traditions and holidays of Great Britain, Реферат Some of them are old-fashioned and many people remember them, others are part of people"s life.
... horse race meetings all over the country, and most traditional of all, there are large fairs with swings, roundabouts, a Punch and Judy show, hoop-la ...

Religion in Britain
Религия и мифология, Religion in Britain, Реферат The Church of England There are two established or state churches in Britain: the Church of England, or Anglican Church as it is also called, and the ...
... and intellectual freedom.' In the opinion of Dr Zaki Badawi, one of Britain's foremost Muslims, 'Britain is the best place in the world to be a Muslim ...

Билеты по английскому за 11 класс
Иностранные языки, Билеты по английскому за 11 класс, Билеты ... Sbarro, Ёlki palki, Patio pizza and т.д Such trade marks as McDonalds , Sbarro and Patio a pizza are known all over the world, and in what you to the ...
... really comfortable, and at first glance everything is good but nowadays big cites there are a great amount of cars and factories Big cites suffer of ...

Great Britan
Иностранные языки, Great Britan, Реферат GREAT BRITAN 1. LOCATION, POPULATION, CLIMATE 1) The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK).
... parties of Great Britain there are Social Democratic Party, the Scottish National and Welsh Nationalist Parties, the Communist Party of Great Britain.

Education in Great Britain
Иностранные языки, Education in Great Britain , Работа Экзаменационная But most secondary schools in Britain, which are called comprehensive schools, are not selective - you don"t have to pass an exam to go there.
The most famous is probably King' s College" because of its magnificent chapel, the largest and the most beautiful building in Cambridge and the most ...

Иностранные языки, Topics , Шпаргалки разные ... there are |the person who sees or |sovaluable that they | |some very big farms. |listens it the same |are housed in museums &| |Most of them are small ...
... the word |for a lot of people. & | |countries in the world.|friendship means the |it is one of the | |It"s area is about 17 |relationship between 2 ...

Топики для экзаменов в 9-11 классах
Иностранные языки, Топики для экзаменов в 9-11 классах, Билеты Those who live in the country like to find themselves in large cities with their shops, cinemas, crowds of people.
Holidays in Great Britain, There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries.

Образование в Великобритании
Иностранные языки, Образование в Великобритании , Работа Выпускная Great Britain is one of the most developed countries in the world.
... the GNVQ"s courses are studied at CFE but more and more schools are also offering them. |The following five levels of NVQs have been established: ...

ref.by 2006—2022