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Похожие работы на «Брест»

География, Брест, Реферат My native town is famous for its historical places because several historical events took place in Brest and some well-known people used to be here.
... of the Brest Fortress over the Bug is the most outstanding event in the history of Brest recorded in golden letters not only in its history but in the ...

Темы по английскому за 9 класс [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому за 9 класс, Билеты ... I like English because I began better understand my native language & I need it for my future besides it is very interesting to read books, listen the ...
... daily life only when you read only that you choose Than you read something here sow something there everything confuse in your head &you"ll know ...

Темы по английскому за 10 класс [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому за 10 класс, Билеты For example I"m Libra ,in my Horoscope it says that in me there are 2 persons.
... very far from the center of Moscow and it takes me a lot of time to get there, but near my house there is Domodedovskaya metro station which is very ...

Билеты по английскому языку за 11 класс [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Билеты по английскому языку за 11 класс , Билеты Экзаменационные It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth ...
... place has always been the centre of interest in a room.For many months of the year people like to sit round the fire and watch the dancing flames.Fire ...

Темы по английскому языку (English topics) [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому языку (English topics) , Шпаргалки К экзаменационным билетам ... national holidays, but there are also holidays that are common for many countries - for example, New Year"s Day that is the first holiday of each new ...
It is very important to celebrate New Year very well and funny because it is believed that you will pass a new year in the same way as you have met it ...

Сохранение национальной окраски при переводе художественных произведений [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Сохранение национальной окраски при переводе художественных произведений , Работа Курсовая ... with the ideological society of the country with its history and its historical specifics and it can never be separated from country peculiarities and ...
... house of literature creating something that belongs only to it, has significance for all nations and proves that there are not small or big nations or ...

Scotland (Шотландия) [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Scotland (Шотландия) , Работа Курсовая ... dress yet invented by man: there is up to 5 metres of material in it; it is thickly pleated st the back and sides; it is warm, it is airly, leaves the ...
... photographs exist of the monster, that there have been no eggs found, no dead monsters (can it really be 2563 years old?) nor any other compelling ...

Traditions and holidays of Great Britain [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Traditions and holidays of Great Britain, Реферат There are only six public holidays a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go in to work.
... Act, was withdrawn in 1896, and on November of that year there was a rally of motorcars on the London - Brighton highway to celebrate the first day of ...

Examination Topics [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Examination Topics , Билеты Экзаменационные A nation is born from its land, its history, its art, its traditions and its institutions.
... is no question that you can speak; there is no question that you can walk; and there is no question that you can swim if you start at a very early age ...

Стилистический компонент слова и его лексикографическое отражение [нестрогое соответствие]
Языковедение, Стилистический компонент слова и его лексикографическое отражение, Диплом ... in the older editions of the dictionaries. lovely is a very interesting case -in LDELC it is marked infml.,becoming rare, in OALED - infml sexist , in ...
That is why it is natural to suppose that there is a great number of words which have more that one stylistic notations.

ref.by 2006—2022