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Самые спрашиваемые сочинения на английском языке
Разное, Самые спрашиваемые сочинения на английском языке, Сочинение America The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world.
It stands on the Potomac river in the eastern part of the country.

Лекции по английскому (полный курс)
Иностранные языки, Лекции по английскому (полный курс), Лекция ... t | |It is |It"s |It is not |It is not / It isn"t | |We are |We"re |We are not |We are not / We aren"t | |They are |They"re |They are not |They are ...
... our (ours | |It"s our money. |It"s ours. | |you ( your ( yours | |It"s your money. |It"s yours. | |he ( his (his | |It"s his money. |It"s his. | |she ...

Темы по английскому за 10 класс [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому за 10 класс, Билеты 9. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city , in a small town and in the country The city is the place where all industrial ...
GB is situated on the British Isles and it has a very good geographical position as it lies on the crossways of the sea routs from Europe to other ...

Билеты по английскому за 11 класс [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Билеты по английскому за 11 класс, Билеты Media attention is always on the new ,and the daring and shocking works are often Are awarded by prizes for its originality.
... Sbarro, Ёlki palki, Patio pizza and т.д Such trade marks as McDonalds , Sbarro and Patio a pizza are known all over the world, and in what you to the ...

New Zealand [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, New Zealand, Реферат ... meant a falling-out with the USA - and its opposition to French nuclear testing in the Pacific (which France countered, to much opprobrium but little ...
... Gulf has acres of long, white sandy beaches on its eastern shore, deep-water sheltered inlets on its western shore, and a rugged spine of steep ridges ...

Тексты с уроков Английского языка [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Тексты с уроков Английского языка, Лекция ... the problem that media are discussing all the time. " Within two years, computer viruses will affect - directly or indirectly - up to 8 million PCs ...
Composers are able to hear a composition as the are composing it, especially if it is too complex for them to play.

Топики для экзаменов в 9-11 классах [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Топики для экзаменов в 9-11 классах, Билеты It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth ...
Holidays in Great Britain, There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries.

The USA: its history, geography and political system [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, The USA: its history, geography and political system, Реферат It put an end to slavery, and it decided that the country was not a collection of semi-independent states but an indivisible whole.
Cities on waterways -- New York on the Hudson, Philadelphia on the Delaware, Baltimore on Chesapeake Bay -- grew dramatically.

Стилистический компонент слова и его лексикографическое отражение [нестрогое соответствие]
Языковедение, Стилистический компонент слова и его лексикографическое отражение, Диплом ... in the older editions of the dictionaries. lovely is a very interesting case -in LDELC it is marked infml.,becoming rare, in OALED - infml sexist , in ...
... boon-docks AmE infml humor accept the main meaning - a rough country area far from any town , where few people live - we see that this word belongs to ...

Темы по английскому языку (English topics) [нестрогое соответствие]
Иностранные языки, Темы по английскому языку (English topics) , Шпаргалки К экзаменационным билетам ... national holidays, but there are also holidays that are common for many countries - for example, New Year"s Day that is the first holiday of each new ...
... video, eat or drink anything you like and even talk on the phone Video is very comfortable and relatively unexpensive because you don"t need to pay ...

ref.by 2006—2022