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Books bring pleasure & delight to readers. They entertain & develop owe imagination The bo-oks is a faithful friend. Sometimes after was read book we deep in fought of the problem whi-ch was discussion in it. We often read or hear that someone after hi read book enjoy new ides or be so delight that he change & began to see world in another color. Writers tries to portray life in it's richness or make his story or poem with humor for brought pleasure & delight to readers The book is there old tying. First library was founded in Egypt more then 3000years BC. At first time they were very rare because books were writing by hands. This process last-ed for many years. Nowadays there great amount Of books & you can always fined smoking for your rise. Books can be About lives of different people, detective stores, novels, encyc-lopedias & many other. Now TV is compare books & some people prefer to watch films than read books, but they more interesting. I don't like to read like most children nowadays, but I like to read novels, detective stores & fantasy have a lot of books at home also I can take so-me of them in the library. Now there are a lot of books & you can not keep all them at home but if you need a book you can go to the library it is a house of books. Books with us all our life. In childhood we liked to listened fables .teenagers like to read adventures. They help us to live & understand world around us, to relax & the main reason we books are necessary they bring a lot of pleasure
ref.by 2006—2022